…somewhere between the stitches…



20 Questions – A Birthday Interview

All 3 of my kids were born in the month of February. Within a day of each other. 12 hours if I want to be silly about it. The twins were born on February 17, and my daughter was born February 18, 3 years later. This means that right after the holidays, birthday party planning must begin. Last year, we had recently moved to Korea and the boys hadn’t made any friends yet, and because it was Penelope’s first birthday (dol), we didn’t have a party for the boys. If you’ve read my post about Miss Penny Penny’s first birthday party, you’d know why I didn’t have the time or energy to do anything for my big boys!

One thing that I did make time for was writing down the boys’ responses to 20 questions I put together for their birthday interview. I typed it up quickly in a Word document and honestly, forgot about it. With their 5th birthday approaching, I finally got around to designing what will eventually be pages in a book. And since I have the template prepared, I can just change the age and type in the answers every year.

I wanted the design of the page to be something timeless so that when I ask the children the same questions when they’re 18 years old, the page won’t look childish. Plus, my design aesthetic is very simple, clean and modern, so really…I guess it’s all about me! Haha!

Here’s the final product! I’ll be making up a printable version as well in various colors that will be available for download (when I can figure out how to do that!).

lincoln 20 questions charlie 20 questions

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Happy New Year!

I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to, but trying to find the time during the day to actually sit down at the computer and do something substantial with 3 kids running around and demanding my attention… However, I am committing myself to working on improving my blog this year. I’ve been making a list for the past couple of years of tutorial and patterns that I want to write up. And THIS IS THE YEAR!

So anyway, to start the year off right, Happy New Year from the jkwdesigns munchkins–AKA Bumblebee, Little Bunny Penny and Optimus Prime.


Modern "Log Cabin" Inspired Afghan Pattern

As promised…the FREE pattern is here! You can download it as a PDF.

Modern Log Cabin Afghan (click to open)


Happy Crocheting!