…somewhere between the stitches…



Pattern: Simple Flower with Layered Petals

free flower pattern

I like knitting and crocheting things in as few pieces as possible, mainly because I really hate hand-sewing. And weaving in ends. This flower is very similar to the Quick and Easy 5 or 6 Petal Flower pattern, but you’ll be adding a round of chains to the back of the previous round’s petals to add layers. Sounds way more complicated than it is. Just check out the pics to see how it’s done!

This flower can be made with any weight yarn and an appropriate crochet hook. With worsted weight yarn and a size 4.5 mm crochet hook, the flower is approximately 3 inches across.

Crochet Flower w/ Layered Petals

©jkwdesigns – This pattern is for personal or charitable use only. Please do not repost or distribute the pattern, and please link back to this pattern page if you share your lovely little bow creations on your website or blog. Thank you!

Round 1: Begin with a magic loop/magic circle. Depending on the number of petals you would like on your flower, sc 5 or 6 (or more!) into the magic loop. Pull tightly to close loop. Sl st to join with first sc in round.

magic loop

Round 2: Ch 2. 2 dc, ch 2 and sl st into the first sc. *Ch 2. 2 dc, ch 2 and sl st into the next sc. Repeat from * until you reach the end of the round.

crochet flower

Round 3: You will be creating the “base” for your next round of petals. Ch 1. Sc into the BACK of the first petal by inserting the hook under a strand of yarn from EACH of the 2 double crochets of the first petal. The reason for grabbing 2 strands is to prevent pulling on one stitch and deforming the petal as you work around. *Ch 2, sc into the back of the next petal. Repeat from * until you reach the beginning of the round. Sl st to join with the 1st sc.

crochet flower

Round 4: This round creates the 2nd round of petals. *Ch 2. In ch-2 space: 4 dc, ch 2, sl st to join. Repeat from * in the next ch-2 space until you reach the beginning of the round.

crochet flowercrochet flower

Round 5: This round creates the base for the 3rd round of petals. Ch 2. Sc into the back of the first petal of round 2. *Ch 3, sc into the back of the next petal. Repeat from * until you reach the beginning of the round. Sl st to join with the 1st sc.

crochet flower

Round 6: This round creates the 3rd round of petals. *Ch 2. In ch-3 space: 2 dc, 2 trc, 2 dc, ch 2, and sl st to join. Repeat from * in the next ch-3 space until you reach the beginning of the round.

crochet flower

Finish off and weave in ends.

If you’d like to make your flower larger and more elaborate, just add petals and extra layers!

crochet flower

For extra petals:

In round 1, add an extra sc for each additional petal. If you would like a 7 petal flower, make 7 sc. For an 8 petal flower, make 8 sc. I don’t recommend making more than 8 petals as the more petals you add, the more the petals curl in on themselves. Continue with the rest of the pattern.

For extra layers:

After round 6, you will need to make an additional base round for the next round of petals. Also, the petals in each subsequent round need to be larger than the petals in the previous round. So in the 7th round, ch 4 between each sc into the back of each petal. Then, in round 8, you’ll want to ch 2, 2dc, 4trc, 2dc, ch 2, and sl st to join in each ch-4 space for each petal.

For each subsequent layer of petals, make the ch-space longer by one chain, then add 2 trc to the petal.


Pattern: Crochet Applique Ribbon Bow

In preparation for a spring bazaar that I will be selling at, I’ve been busy cranking out flowers, bows, and hearts to adorn cute, little heads. I worked up this super simple little bow and thought I’d share. It’s quick and easy and a great way to get rid of those tiny little balls of scrap yarn your husband keeps asking you throw away. 😉

bow applique

Applique Ribbon Bow Pattern

©jkwdesigns – This pattern is for personal or charitable use only. Please do not repost or distribute the pattern, and please link back to this pattern page if you share your lovely little bow creations on your website or blog. Thank you!

Materials: (suggested)
4.5mm crochet hook
worsted weight yarn (small amount)
* You can use any weight yarn and appropriate hook for this pattern. With a 4.5mm hook and worsted weight yarn, my bows measured approx. 3.25 in. across and 3.75 in. from top to bottom.

The bow is constructed in two pieces. The looped part is an oval shape, and the dangling ribbons will be slightly V-shaped when complete.

Oval Shape:
Ch 20. Sl st in 1st ch to create a loop.

Ch 1. All of the following stitches are made INTO the loop, not in individual chains, so in the large loop that you’ve just made, create 2sc, 3 hdc, 8dc, 3hdc, 4sc, 3hdc, 8dc, 3hdc, and 2sc. (As you’re making the stitches, you may need to gently slide your stitches over on the loop so that you have enough room to make all of these stitches.)


Sl st with 1st sc to join. Finish off, leaving a long tail (approx. 20 inches).


Dangling Ribbons:
Ch 26. Dc in 3rd ch from hook. Dc in next 7 ch. Hdc in next 2 ch. Sc in next 4 ch. Hdc in next 2 ch. Dc in next 7 ch. Ch 2 and sl st with foundation ch of the last dc. Finish off. Weave in ends.


Bow Construction:
Hold the oval shape so that the stitches are evenly distributed and the beginning/ending sc are at the top, middle. Hold the top and bottom center of the oval together, and hold the center of the dangling ribbons behind the pinched oval.



Use the long tail you left attached to the oval shape to wind around the center of the bow multiple times. Tie securely. Weave in ends. That’s it!

You can attach these cute little bows to hair barrettes/clips, headbands, scarves, purses… So much more useful than tiny balls of leftover yarn that you have no idea what to do with!

Happy Crocheting!



Making Flowers!

For the past couple of days, I’ve been experimenting with various crochet flowers. Well, I’ve been working on quite a few things–I’m preparing to open up my Etsy shop! Woohoo! Anyway, some have turned out better than others…

But one of my all-time favorite flowers is the plumeria. So I just had to make one:

There’s something just beautiful in its simplicity, yet the way the petals overlap each other and spiral out of the center gives it a very unique quality. I looked for free crochet patterns online, but couldn’t find one that I liked, so I made my own–and so I share it with you–in order to spread the plumeria love. 😉
Materials: DK yarn and 4.00mm/G crochet hook
Petals (make 5)
Ch 6
Round 1: 3 sc in 2nd chain from hook. 1 sc in top loop only of next 3 sc. 3 sc in last sc. 1 sc in bottom loop only of next 3 sc. Join with sl st to 1st sc of round. [12 st]
Round 2: Ch 1. 1 sc in next sc. 3 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next 5 sc. 3 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next 4 sc. Join with sl st to 1st sc of round. [16 sc]
Round 3: Ch 1. 1 sc in next 2 sc. 3 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next 7 sc. 3 sc in next sc. Sc in next 5r sc. Join. [20 st]
Round 4: Ch 1. 1 sc in next 4 sc. 3 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next 9 sc. 3 sc in next sc. Sc in next 6 sc. Join. [24 sc]
Bind off.
Once you have 5 petals, sew the petals together, overlapping each other on one side as you go around. Once you get to the last petal, make sure that it overlaps the first petal rather than going behind it. All of the petals should be at least partially behind another.
Here’s a photo of a real plumeria flower to give you an idea:
Plumeria Leaves
The leaves of a plumeria plant are quite oblong, and depending on how long you’d like the leaves to be, you can adjust the length of your starting chain and increase the number of times you repeat each crochet stitch. It’ll make sense once you read the pattern.
For the purposes of what I wanted to make, the leaves couldn’t be too long, so my leaves are about 2.5 inches long.
Ch 14.
For the first “row” of stitches, you will only be going through the back loop. For the second “row,” you will go through only the front loops (although they will be in the back since you’ll be rotating your work).
Sc in back loop only in 2nd ch from hook. Sc in next 2 ch. Hdc in next ch. Dc in next ch. Htrc in next ch. Trc in next 2 ch. Htrc in next ch. Dc in next ch. Hdc in next ch. Sc in next ch.
Ch 3. Rotate the work so that the front loops (which were on the bottom) are now on top. Sl st to join with first ch. Sc in next ch. Hdc, dc, htrc, respectively, in next 3 ch. Trc in next 2 ch. Htrc, dc, hdc in next 3 ch. Sc in next 3 ch. Join with sl st to first sc in round.
Bind off.

You can download a FREE pdf file here: Plumeria Flower (just click on the link!)