…somewhere between the stitches…


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And a little something for Mama!

I FINALLY got around to sewing something for myself, and I LOVE IT. 🙂 For those of you who know me in “Real Life,” you know that I love skirts. I think that a good 80% of my closet is skirts and dresses. I think that at one point in my pre-baby life, I owned 19 black skirts. I remember joking with my husband that I needed one more to make it an even 20. He didn’t seem to understand that I was serious. Anyway, here’s a new addition to my wardrobe. It’s so stretchy and comfy. I’ll definitely be cranking out some more of these to wear throughout the summer. And the best part–it took ONE YARD of fabric (because I’m short. Really. Really. Short.) so this skirt cost about $5 to make. Woohoo!

I followed a tutorial that can be found at Cotton+Curls. A lovely blog with lots of DIY tutorials. Check it out!

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Ruffles and Ruffles

I’m feeling particularly proud of myself today. I started and finished something on the sewing machine–something terribly cute! I used the tutorial available at Dana Made It (a site that I’m loving these days), and here’s the finished product:

There are definitely quite a few mistakes in it, but the nature of the ruffles helps hide them! I can’t wait to try it on Miss Penny when she gets up from her nap–not that I want her to wake up from her nap… 😉 What I love even more about the skirt is that I upcycled an old crib sheet. I only used a small amount of the fabric, and since it’s a crib sheet from the boys’, I have two of them! What to make next with this great fabric???

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Digging myself out!

In the past few days, I’ve managed to dig myself out from beneath the mass of boxes, packing paper, damaged furniture, sweat and tears that a move the the other side of the world with three children under the age of 4 inevitably brings with it. Our house still needs a lot of work, but it’s now our home, which after two months of travel and living out of hotels–I couldn’t be happier.

With the new house in its various states of unpacking chaos, I haven’t really had a chance to work on much. I did find time, however, to design a new hat, cowl and fingerless mitt trio. I still have a few finishing touches to put on the pattern, but here are some photos of my handiwork!
I’m really excited for this pattern to go live, mostly because I haven’t had a chance to put anything new up in a while. I’ve had so many ideas swirling around in my head and not enough time to really dedicate to it.
Also, in the early phases of pattern writing is a hat I worked on with leftover yarn for Miss Penelope. Penny really needed a hat that she couldn’t pull off because she pulled a hat off while on my back in the Ergo. It’s so sad to lose something that you spent so much time making. Anyway, Penny can’ t just have any little hat. It needed to be extra cute to match the ridiculously cute hats her brothers go out in! 😉 So I worked on this bunny hat, and I worked especially hard to get these ears to stand up.
It still needs so work, but I’m hoping to have it all worked out in the next couple of weeks.
And finally… I managed to get my new sewing machine out of the box, and best of all… I actually sewed something!
It’s just a tiny little thing for Penny, but it’s a start. And I’m happy to say that I made it out of a pillowcase. I now have all these new ideas for how to use old sheets and clothes that the kids have grown out of. If only I could sew better. 😉
Anyway, I suppose it’s time to call it a night. There’s a load of laundry to fold, and my bedtime is fast approaching…