…somewhere between the stitches…


Crochet Hats


Time spent with friends is the best kind. Any why wouldn’t Optimus Prime and Bumblebee want to play with a cute little sheep at the playground?

Author: Julia

Welcome to ...somewhere between the stitches... I'm Julia, married to the man of my dreams and mommy to 5 year old identical twins Charlie and Lincoln and 2 year old Penelope. I love to knit, crochet, sew, craft and cook, but most of all, I love being a SAHM to my little ones. Thanks for stopping by!

10 thoughts on “Crochet Hats

  1. will you put optimus prime pattern up fro free or buy it if need it


  2. Hi! Any Chance you have the patterns available for the transformers hats? 🙂


    • Sorry for my slow response! I’ve been busy getting ready for a craft fair, but the transformers’ hats are on my To Do List! I hope to have the tutorials up before the end of the year, but realistically, I won’t be able to start working on it until after Christmas. I know there are many, many people looking (and waiting!) for the pattern, and I intend to have it up soon!


  3. Would love the bumblebee pattern. I have a grandson who really wants that hat.


  4. I was wondering if you post the pattern for your Bumblebee hat. I’m having problems with my phone.


    • Hi Lynn! I’m so sorry that it’s taken me so long to get back to you. I’ve had a lot going on lately w/ family stuff, so I haven’t been on my blog at all lately… I haven’t posted a pattern for the Bumblebee hat, and unfortunately, it’s not likely that I will be able to anytime in the near future. 😦


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